to my beloved apple 5th batch

To the BELOVED apple 5th batch

I do not really know how should I start writing this. I have always been bad with emotional writings.

Relationships are not made, they are formed. It has not been much we have known each other but it is true I feel a special bond with each of the students who wore the crest of APPLE EDUCATIONAL ACADEMY on that chest. I have loved everyone who sat on that small benches while I stood in the podium and looked at your beautiful innocent faces.
It was a wonderful journey of nearly three months. From the first of Jestha to the 4th of Bhadra we have shared uncountable memories to cherish for a lifetime. It started with the story of A FROG AND HOT WATER and ended in THE STORY OF A PINK CAR. We began from what are units and physical quantities and ended with why wont a volume of water change if the ice melts in that water. You people must be probably thinking, why this man always has to talk about physics. So, enough of the physics, lets enter into the main theme why I am writing this to you.

I have shared many different stories in my duration of those three months. Some may have been funny while some may have been motivational. May be there were some moments when you might have wanted to punch me in the face for some personal reasons. I am sure everyone has different perspectives of analyzing me; some of you may dislike me and some of you may not. Some of you may have enjoyed my lectures and some of you may have hated my hoarse voice. Love and hate, likes and dislike apart, the most important thing is we spent those three wonderful months as a part of a family. A small part of a huge APPLE family. I want to thank each and everyone of you who helped me create this beautiful memory and helped me add a new chapter to my life. I want to thank you for all the love and support, the respect and encouragement, for your beautiful words and feelings.

I can imagine what you guys might have felt when you first saw this nearly six feet tall humongous man with ugly beard. I don’t know what you thought of me when I first spelled my name, when I started teaching those first chapters, when I first shouted at you or when I made you laugh. That entry into the first day is slowly turning into the exit of the last day where the doors will be forever closing behind me. Everything in the world has its end because nothing is ever built to last forever. In these closing sessions I want you to realize that each moment with you people was really fantastic and worthy.

I may have said a lot of things that might have hurt you at some point of time, I may have said things I did not want to, I apologize for those bad times. I am writing this to you as a memory so that you will have something to remember me (only if you want to) for your further life. I am using my words as a medium to express my thoughts toward you. Here goes my lessons of life to you.

In span of some days you will be giving your one of the most important exams of your life. at this moment I want you to give you something that you are lacking, HOPE. At these crucial times you probably have that fear, “What will happen if I do not crack the entrance exams?” it is natural to have that fear in you, because fear gives that strength to cope up with the problems in life. Every single one of students appearing the entrance examination are same as you, they have the brain of same cranial capacity. So, what differentiates us from those who succeed the entrance exams?  The answer is THE HOPE, THE BELIEF. Nobody is going to believe you will succeed, nobody is going to put that belief in you, the hope comes from you. The belief comes from you. When you believe you are capable of doing anything, appearing any exams and cracking those exams, the success will start to follow. Your hope is important, your belief is important. It is never late to take a start. It is never late to believe you are capable.  Start from the beginning. Let’s start those belief, the sleepless twenty nights. Let’s give the taste of dark circles to these eyes, the feelings of hunger to these stomachs. Lets starting reading. It is never too late. You are capable. Believe it, hope for it!!

It is not always necessary to succeed at the first attempt, but the necessary thing in life is to keep pushing yourselves forward. There is no limit on how far you can go. You are limitless. Free yourselves from the chains of doubts and confusion and fly in the open air of hope. You may fail but you know failing is important, getting up is more important. I want you to realize life is not a race. Life is not about being better than anybody else in the world, life is about you being better than you were yesterday. Everyone will have their time and it is never late to start. You are one in 7.6 billion, it is the time to show that you are worthy. Success doesn’t come to those who wait, it comes to those who try.

In life, earning money is important, gaining knowledge is more important but the most important thing is life is to earn blessings. Throughout your life, try to be a good human being. The earth has spent its 13.6 billion years to create humans like us, so make yourself worthy human being. Never fear to try new things, the more you rise up, the more you see the world. Don’t fear the challenges, don’t fear the exams. Always walk with the hope in your heart. You are special, you are unique, you shall have your time!!

Maybe we will not have the classroom fun again, we may not see one another soon but I will be taking enough memories to remember each of you throughout my lifetime. I may have been good to somebody, bad to somebody but from my personal perspectives I have loved you all, motivated you all. I have achieved blessings, love, respect, relationships as dear as brother and sisters. In these durations I have achieved more than I did imagine. Apologies if I ever hurt you. Thank you for your time and memories. We may or may not see each other real soon, but you will always be in my heart. NOW IT IS TIME FOR ME TO TAKE A LEAVE. Best wishes for your exams. Journey of life is long, I wish to encounter you.  REMEMBER ME IN THE PRAYERS (DUWAAON MAI YAAD RAKHNA). IT WAS A WONDERFUL JOURNEY WE WALKED TOGETHER. ADIEU !!  FOREVER LOVE


  1. Really heart touching 😭😭😭😭

    1. I thank you for your words, but i would really appreciate if you could name who you are.

  2. Means a lot sir 🙏❣️
    Thank you for everything 😊

  3. You mean a lot brother🙏❤ Will miss all those moments 😊😇

    1. Your words mean a lot, i would be really happy to know who you are, blog doesnt show the name


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