The ship at the airport

It will probably rain today. I can possibly secure distinction in my examinations. There is still some possibility she will come back to me. It is probable……,  it may be possible……. Etc. It is everywhere; the possibilities, probabilities. We make so many assumptions and wrap those around the vague and complex possibilities. We are actually surrounded by the probabilities. What is the possibility of a traffic police checking our license when you have actually forgotten to take that with you? What is the possibility of your teacher checking your homework when you have forgotten to do one and vice versa. Actually our birth was a probability. Just think what was the probability of your father meeting your mother and deciding to marry against all odds. And again  comes the genetic probability with all gene combinations that will decipher the code to make a person  you are  determining from the gender to the hair color and nose length. Everyone and everything are the consequences of probabilities. It happened because it had high possibility to happen and vice versa.

‘the ship at the airport’ ,a paradoxical statement, but not untrue when you look at the analogy. We love people and expect back the same which may or may not is bound to happen. Loving someone with all the heart and expecting back the same is a cliché. What if you just wait someone to love you back which is less likely to happen? This is what the paradox implies. Something that is very less likely to happen but you still want to get surprised by making the impossible liable.  Now a days there is a name for everything and every situations.  “ One sided lovers” is what we call them who are very proud sitting in the zone of friendship ‘ the friendzone.’

Somewhere under the bright blue sky when the rays of sun hits her black strands of her hair that turns golden, where her eyes so big and bold you start seeing yourself diving in the depth of her vision, her smile so beautiful and bright that will make your lips stretch. You fall in love, not with a person but with each of the tiny components of her body, the long nose, the red lips , the nail polish of her toe, the bracelets around her wrist, the sound her shoes make, the noises are transformed to music; everything looks great, , when your each tiny heart  components slipped for her  body components. That is when love happened. You now dream of her every single time, while you walk through the corridor of your home or sleep in the empty room . Each love song reminds you of her and you are the protagonist to every movie when you cast yourself opposite her. This is the beautiful “ship”

You are now friends , the talks will begin, the friendship will deepen and the time comes when you will have to re-baptise  the friendship. “the good friends” is what you will call yourselves among the thousands around and finally to the “best friends”. In most of the cases this is the last baptism when there actually should still be one in front, ‘in a relationship’ type of friendship. If you are the best friends and there is only  minimum chance that your relationship as the best friend  will proceed in the next step, then my friend you are doomed. People say love is the greatest feeling in the world, it is true only if that love we deliver comes back to us; undestroyed, unharmed, pristine and pure. The hardest thing in love is to stay as a best friend when you have always wanted more out of the relationship you have maintained. You are so near yet so far. You are the closest to her but she does not only belong to you. You love her and she loves you , but only as a friend. Who on the earth does all the hard work and loves to be loved back with a suffix ‘only as a friend’. There is nothing called best friends between a boy and a girl. There is a boy who loves so much and a girl who loves back  JUST AS A FRIEND, and this is where it all starts ; waiting “THE SHIP AT THE AIRPORT.”

“please, not again” this is the phrase the boy is used to hearing whenever he brings up some topics  that relates love but the girl is still ready to go on a movie in his expenses. She can have a boyfriend  and a bestfriend, you, as a stockpile and she will automatically hate the next girl you are close to. What kind of equity describes this? you will have to pressurize  your auditory nerve to hear all those emotions that were merely the consequences of her fight with her boyfriend and she will start with the cause of her fight and the consequence it might bring up. She will now start asking questions like  who is the guilty party and should she break the relationship up? And the boy breaching the natural laws of not lying says “No,No itsnot your fault” and “you can break up if you don’t like him” types of phrases , still keeping in mind he has the chances after all. And next morning she will come up to you and say that her boyfriend is a good person and they have patched it up back and are back to normal. And you are still the best friend ‘ who is loved back as a friend’ and has the responsibilities of listening of crap because of expectations that there will be arrival of  ship someday at the airport.

BLOCKED!! UNBLOCKED !! this is not the first time this has happened. This is inevitable and the number of  times  this has happened are myriad. Sometimes you get too tired of the situations and try to step back  but you are too scare with the feeling of losing her even you know you have lost her. You think that you are on the list , listed as next to come after she ends the existing relationship if she has any. Irrespective of the fact if she has any present relationship or not what you think is you are next. My friend!! You are on the list and you top that list but the only fact you are not aware is the list you are on is not that one you have wanted. The boyfriend’s list will never reach you and the best friends’ list is where you stand. You just waited your turn but did not  realize you were never on the frame. You ignore her, she will come back to you. Whenever you start your emotions she throws some magic wand upon herself and vanishes in the thin air like a dust. She will forbid you to talk to another girl and she won’t start conversations with you. You are just wrapped by the complexities of the relations like a tide in the ocean where there is no way out. It happens again. BLOCK!! UNBLOCK!!!

Bringing probabilities to the equation. What is the probability that the girl will come back to you and you both step up to baptize the final step of the ladder that will tale you above the “friendzone” and the phrase ‘love you as a friend’ will remove ‘as a friend’ portion. What is the probability that someday the ship might actually come to the airport? The world changes. Some decades back the atom was considered the smallest particle, the earth was thought to be flat, earth was described as the centre of the universe before pythogoras and Copernicus. Before Darwin we believed every human beings existed from the inanimate objects. We have seen the things changing, the theories going wrong , the facts turning faulty. We have mastered the world. We have seen the mountains shaking, the sea vanishing. We have witnessed the earth cooling from thousand of centigrades to the present status, the rocket flying over to the mars and moon. We have witnessed the impossible turning possible. There is nothing I am trying to imply but  want  to ask, isn’t there the slightest and slightest of the possibility that someday the nature shows up some magic with the wand and  the ocean might flood the airport and we can then witness the ship floating in the remanence of the airport deep down the ocean. So is it worth the wait? Can you live and wait long enough for some magic to happen to witness the ship or Is it the time to step  up the plane or wait for the ship in the ocean. If you wait the ship at the airport you may never witness the impossible or it will take you the time long enough to break every part of you.


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